Idea logo that will tell the essence of the brand.
2-3 weeks from receipt of prepayment
Design idea, fonts, colors, design elements, examples.
Posts, avatar, highlights, profile header, examples.
Here is some basic information to make our work together done effectively. The price is indicative and can vary in both directions depending on the complexity of the task and the scale of the brand. In any case, it is always possible to negotiate with me.
I do classic graphic design tasks. I work with raster and vector graphics, and am also skilled in developing and preparing designs for print. Below is my price for the most frequent orders. I'm also adding web design to this category. I create lendings, websites, dashboards. I can also develop a landing/website on Tilda, Weblium, Webflow.
Adaptations (stories, website) are included in the price.
Approximate price for a presentation of 15 slides
Standard on 7 screens with layout on Tilda.
3 concept versions and 1 final version prepared for printing
It can be said that advertising design is an extension of branding. The brand manifests its voice, which is created in branding. That is why, my involvement lies in the endeavor of creating concepts and content for advertising firms.
Creating a bright idea that will become the basis of an advertising campaign
1-2 weeks from receipt of prepayment
I conceptualize and write creative scripts with frame-by-frame breakdowns
Offering video production services from my partners or cooperating with yours
Creation of slogans and advertising creatives (billboards, social networks)
I start work only after prepayment. We can work according to the standard agreement: 50% before the start of my work, 50% after (until the transfer of all sources). Also we can break the work into several stages with 100% prepayment for each.
I don't work with motion design except for simple animations on websites or landing pages. My principle in my work is either do it well or don't do it at all. So as for animations and video, I am ready to share with you contacts of professionals.
By default, I may share the work after completion in my portfolio. For me, it is an extra motivation to fulfill your task 110%. If you are against this (NDA or similar), let me know, it's not a problem.
I create a unique and licensed design. However, it is based on materials purchased from,, Also on materials published by other designers in free access on and in telegram channels.
Would you like to hire me part-time or even full-time? Cool, I'm considering that format! In this case, you get my work cheaper than freelance rates and I get financial stability. My price here is $1000+ depending on conditions and scope of tasks.
Yes, I make mistakes in text regardless of the language I write in. This is either due to the peculiarities of creative thinking or because I did not do well in school. In short, my texts need to be proofread. I have excellent editors for an additional fee.
Main idea, naming, slogan, mission, Tone of Voice.
Idea logo that will tell the essence of the brand.
Design idea, fonts, colors, design elements, examples.
Posts, avatar, highlights, profile header, examples.
I do classic graphic design tasks. I work with raster and vector graphics, and am also skilled in developing and preparing designs for print. Below is my price for the most frequent orders. I'm also adding web design to this category. I create lendings, websites, dashboards. I can also develop a landing/website on popular platforms.
Adaptations (stories, website) are included in the price.
Approximate price for a presentation of 15 slides.
Standard on 7 screens with layout on Tilda.
3 concept versions and 1 final version prepared for printing.
Contact me to discuss our cooperation:
It can be said that advertising design is an extension of branding. The brand manifests its voice, which is created in branding. That is why, my involvement lies in the endeavor of creating concepts and content for advertising firms.
Branding is my main specialty. I can independently create you a complete branding, which includes the company name, logo, corporate identity and additionally create a website - in short, do the full cycle.
Creating a bright idea that will become the basis of an advertising campaign
2-3 weeks from receipt of prepayment
Creation of slogans and advertising creatives (billboards, social networks)
I conceptualize and write creative scripts with frame-by-frame breakdowns
Offering video production services from my partners or cooperating with yours
2-3 weeks from receipt of prepayment
I start work only after prepayment. We can work according to the standard agreement: 50% before the start of my work, 50% after (until the transfer of all sources). Also we can break the work into several stages with 100% prepayment for each.
I don't work with motion design except for simple animations on websites or landing pages. My principle in my work is either do it well or don't do it at all. So as for animations and video, I am ready to share with you contacts of professionals.
By default, I may share the work after completion in my portfolio. For me, it is an extra motivation to fulfill your task 110%. If you are against this (NDA or similar), let me know, it's not a problem.
I create a unique and licensed design. However, it is based on materials purchased from,, Also on materials published by other designers in free access on and in telegram channels.
Would you like to hire me part-time or even full-time? Cool, I'm considering that format! In this case, you get my work cheaper than freelance rates and I get financial stability. My price here is $1000+ depending on conditions and scope of tasks.
Yes, I make mistakes in text regardless of the language I write in. This is either due to the peculiarities of creative thinking or because I did not do well in school. In short, my texts need to be proofread. I have excellent editors for an additional fee.
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